Rule of Rose Wiki
Rule of Rose Wiki

PrussianFederalist PrussianFederalist 11 December 2024

Proposed ROR Wiki Articles

  • 1 Communications with the English-speaking VAs
  • 2 Brown's Motion Actor
  • 3 Nomination at the 2005 Japanese Media Arts Festival
  • 4 Japanese Trailers

The past three months has seen the unearthing of information that provided elaboration on what was already known since 2006. The PAL and North American Versions were developed separately as translated derivatives of the original Japanese Version. The former could be played in five different languages (English, French, Spanish, German, and Italian), whereas the latter was definitely developed with the Atlus Trade Demo as the basis. Since Atlus USA never showcased the Trade Demo at E3 2006 in May 2006 and the contract for the PAL Version was awarded that same month to 505 Games' parent firm, Digital Bros S.p…

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PrussianFederalist PrussianFederalist 15 June 2023

Update on Location Articles

Given the difficulties of navigation around the Airship Middeck, I decided to take care of the other location articles that have yet to be completed and work on the relevant Navboxes for Gingerbread House and Orphanage. No serious effort has been made on my part to complete them, so I will be devoting my efforts there.

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PrussianFederalist PrussianFederalist 12 June 2023

Enemy Articles Completed

Okay, after spending time away from the Wiki, I came back earlier to begin reviewing the recently expanded articles on the various enemies that can be encountered in the game. Since there is not a whole lot of information to be covered regarding them, I am going to treat those articles as complete. That leaves one less series of articles to deal with. In the meantime, I still need to work on those articles for the various locations that can be accessed throughout the chapters. The Airship only needs four articles for each of its Stairways, while the articles on Gingerbread House and the Orphanage have yet to be written.

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PrussianFederalist PrussianFederalist 2 June 2023

Locations or VA Articles?

So far, I am split between working on the next set of articles on locations or updating the VA articles that somebody else created nearly a decade ago. I think the VA articles should be easier to work on because some of those articles are either incomplete or out of date and need to be updated to reflect new information. I probably should take care of that sometime this weekend.

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PrussianFederalist PrussianFederalist 28 May 2023

On Notice Templates

Yesterday, I finished the Notice Templates for the Wiki, and, so far, I am having to figure out how they are supposed to be used. From what I can surmise, the Notice Templates are to be added from the Edit Page and the affected Articles included in their relevant Categories. Seems a little tedious at first, it will definitely help with keeping the Wiki tidy and organized for future visitors and volunteers alike.

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PrussianFederalist PrussianFederalist 26 May 2023

On Character Navbox and Airship Locations

Alright, it looks like the Character Navbox has been added in advance. I totally appreciate that effort. It goes a long way toward informing people that, yes, the ROR Wiki is still alive and well as of this writing. In the meantime, the articles for the Upper and Lower Decks are now finished. All that remains now is the Middeck. The Middeck, compared to the rest of the Airship, is not too well-explored because the entire area is not always connected from aft to forward section at all times. Some portions are the focus of a few Chapters like "Mermaid Princess" or "Rag Princess Sews." Either way, it has to be done. Once that's taken care of, I need to get started on the articles for the Orphanage and the Gingerbread House. I think the Ginger…

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PrussianFederalist PrussianFederalist 24 May 2023

Creating New Navboxes

Some Navboxes have yet to be completed. I am still missing one for the Characters and two for locations in the Gingerbread House and Orphanage. So far, I am getting the hang of the Navbox feature, which does require so basic understanding of computer programming. Other than that, I am definitely going to need to work on the remaining articles for the Airship locations. No timetable has been set for them, however.

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PrussianFederalist PrussianFederalist 21 May 2023

Revising the Storybooks

Some revisions had to be made regarding the Storybooks. Instead of linking them to a 2014 playthrough on YouTube, I decided to introduce embedded narrated videos that someone had made in 2017. I honestly think they are a much better way of engaging with the Storybooks than having to simply reread the same text as they appear in-game. From what I can tell, the last Administrator appeared to have introduced those "External Links" at the time. He probably did not know that these videos existed.

Unfortunately, I do not have a narrated video for "Once Upon a Time" for the obvious reason that the Storybook contains no text and only illustrations. The player is meant to infer from the symbolism of the illustrations and connect them back to the oth…

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PrussianFederalist PrussianFederalist 19 May 2023

A Cut Content Article?

There is a lot of cut content for the game, and keeping track of them is going to become increasingly difficult as I continue to work on the Wiki. At some point, I may need to start using this blog profile feature to catalogue the various cut content that the ROR Discord has been uncovering in recent months. One notable example that piqued my interest is the cut content involving the combat system. It looks like there were plans to make the combat system more detailed and sophisticated than what we got in the final release.

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PrussianFederalist PrussianFederalist 15 May 2023

What I have thus far

At the moment, the Wiki is starting to take on the appearance of an active one. With my efforts as well as those of others, the plan to improve upon the Wiki and get it more substance than semblance remains ongoing. I intend to ensure that this trajectory stays that way for the foreseeable future.

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PrussianFederalist PrussianFederalist 1 May 2023

Gregory's Story in "Gingerbread House"

"Stray Dog walks the streets each day,

Collecting peas as he walks to and fro:

Big peas, small peas, every which kind of pea."

In the "Gingerbread House" chapter, as Jennifer approaches the doorway to the late Joshua Wilson's room, the player will hear Gregory Wilson narrating a children's story. The story in question is about Stray Dog, his collection "peas," and his subsequent planting of "peas." Stray Dog undergoes a constant cycle of peas that appear to be arranged around the days of a week.

  1. Stray Dog finds peas on a Monday.
  2. The peas are captured by Stray Dog on a Tuesday.
  3. The peas are introduced to Stray Dog's son on a Wednesday.
  4. The peas struggle to break free on a Thursday.
  5. The peas are disintegrated on a Friday.
  6. Stray Dog disposes of the pe…
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PrussianFederalist PrussianFederalist 28 April 2023

Is this Wiki abandoned?

For the most part, this Wiki has been abandoned for years. Apart from recent efforts to expand the Wiki by writing new articles and editing old ones, I remain adamant that there are no Bureaucrats or Administrators running the Wiki. It is a shame because, as much as I love Rule of Rose, there is not a whole lot that I can do at this point. Even so, I will continue writing more articles as much as I can. At the rate that I am working on the Wiki, my next plan to begin work on the remaining articles for the rest of the Airship and make edits to the various articles on weapons and healing items.

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Lemmy Geuse Lemmy Geuse 21 October 2018


hi!, is someone alive here?

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Zerojj Zerojj 1 February 2017

J's Diary transcript?

As we all know, there is J's diary accesible through hacking. I found this video where the user access  the diary and goes through the pages. I have been able to read some of the lines, but I am struggling with the others. Do you guys think we can make an effort and try to figure out what's written in there?

This is the video> 

I have been able to read in May 3 (dates are messed up) "Yes, I shall give you a magic hiss"

Let´s try to write a transcript for this important diary! Just post whatever you can see on the  diary! :D maybe you can write half of the sentence and someone can read the other half!

I was also thinkinh... If someone has a powerful PC and can emulate Rule of Rose at 4K and hack the diary, maybe  we will have a clearer image an…

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Carebearheart Carebearheart 15 June 2015

A Rule of Rose movie

After watching clips of the game, I actually think Rule of Rose could make a great live-action horror movie adaption! Do any of you think so too?

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TrunksDelicious TrunksDelicious 20 April 2014

Easter Day!

Happy Easter Day to everyone!

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TrunksDelicious TrunksDelicious 19 January 2014

Birthdays !

Yay. Today is Rule of Rose's 8th birthday. It's also my 19th birthday.

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Cronathewitch Cronathewitch 9 June 2012


I just finished the game Rule of Rose. I wanted to edit this wiki so badly, but I had no idea what to put. So, I finally finished my game, and now I edited it!! :D

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AyameAsakura AyameAsakura 11 September 2010

Character Gregory M. Wilson

I've edited Gregory's background, his personality, his boss form, and information on his son and his lifestyle. I'd appreciate it if you left most of my edits alone unless you want to either add, or unless you think I wrote the wrong information. For this whole month I've based my studies on Rule of Rose, so most information I do put up is indeed true, and I'd rather you find a way to inform me first if you want to edit my information so that I see if your own information is true or not.

Gregory is complex, he is the man who pretty much started it all. The fact that his son died of an illness in the first place causes him to bring Jennifer into the picture, and while Jennifer is technically…

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