Rule of Rose Wiki
Rule of Rose Wiki
Gregory's House

Gregory's House, otherwise known as Gingerbread House, refers to a farmhouse that was the personal residence of Gregory M. Wilson, his late son Joshua Wilson, and (for a limited time) his surrogate child Jennifer. The building that appears in the "Gingerbread House" chapter is a recreation of it based on Jennifer's childhood memories during her stay there.


Gingerbread House was a one-story farmhouse not far from the Strange Hill on which Rose Garden Orphanage was located. Although it is unclear exactly how far Gingerbread House was from Orphanage, let alone Cardington, it can be assumed to be near Strange Hill. Access to the grounds was facilitated by a dirt path past a field of roses called Rose Way. The outdoor area included a shed named Biscuit Shed and a Garden. Given the occupation of the house's owner, Gregory, and his professional background, it is possible that there are fields somewhere beyond the grounds of Gingerbread House, but they are never seen in gameplay nor are they actually shown at any point.

The interior of Gingerbread House is dilapidated, having fallen into a state of disrepair for an unknown amount of time. What can be determined is that the building's appearance, at least based on how it appears to Jennifer in the context of "Gingerbread House" chapter, is that the current state was due to Gregory's inability to move on after the death of his late son. Even though Gregory "adopted" Jennifer to become "Jennifer-as-Joshua," a surrogate child to replace Joshua, the house continues to remain in its condition. Moreover, the interior itself only contains a bedroom intended for Joshua (and Jennifer by extension) in the Basement. It is unclear as to where Gregory rests when he is not working. It is possible that the Living Room is where he slept.


Gingerbread House Ginger JenniferInHouse
to see the gallery of Gregory's House click on Gregory's House/Gallery.

