Rule of Rose Wiki
The Strict Teacher
Aliases The Headmaster
Social Rank N/A
Gender Male
Age Elderly
Status Unknown
Hair color White
Eye color Grey
Occupation Headmaster/teacher at Rose Garden Orphanage
Voice actor Ian Thompson
This article is for the normal form. For his boss form, see Hoffman (Boss).
You dirty wretch... Why are you always trying to get out of work? Can't you do your job like all the other children?
Hoffman to Jennifer

Hoffman, also known as Mr. Hoffman, was the headmaster and teacher of the Rose Garden Orphanage and is Clara's guardian during Jennifer's stay at the orphanage.

He seems oblivious to the existence of the Red Crayon Aristocrat Club, or alternatively knows everything about it and simply doesn't care, as he's the main reason behind one of its members' behavior.


Hoffman is an elderly pale man with white hair bearing sideburns, wrinkles at his face, and rounded glasses. He is the tallest person at the orphanage. He typically wears a green suit, white button-up, and brown shoes. For his boss form however, he is depicted tied up in rope with only one of his arms usable, covered in crayon drawings, and various injuries.


Mr. Hoffman is a self-centered man who runs the orphanage. Despite his mistreatment of the children, Hoffman views himself as a clever and understanding teacher for doing the bare minimum. He constantly frowns upon the children's mischievous activities, but does not give a second thought to whether he should help the children who are being bullied. Hoffman is also strict, constantly yelling at the children he tutors. He also mentions in his diary considering to beat a child (likely Amanda) with his pointer as punishment, only to decide against it. He also notably dislikes Jennifer, blaming her for the children getting out of control instead. There are also heavy implications that he is a pedophile (see 'Relationship' section).

In the Once Upon a Time chapter, when examining the ladder, Jennifer comments Hoffman used to be a "kind and admirable teacher," though as to whether this is true or not is unclear. She also comments the following: "That day, Mr. Hoffman disappeared, like he was running away from something. He had tried too hard to be someone he wasn't. The expectations were too much for him... and he wanted to escape those restrictions. However, children and adults live in the same world, and we must both play by society's rules."


Mr. Hoffman was the headmaster of the orphanage. He appears to have been as such since Clara's arrival, explaining him calling her 'little Clara.' He is an elderly man who priories the children's education and cleanliness. He claims to have started rumors in order to get them to do their chores. Said rumors likely causing Meg to make the Stray Dog List.

In November 1930, Hoffman left the orphanage. Eventually, so did Martha Carol and Clara. It is unknown what happened to him when he left the orphanage. He wrote in his diary, "I'm leaving the orphanage. Clara's here to look after things, and the children are quickly growing up. I've done right and fulfilled my duty. Bloody hell! All the trouble started when that wretched child arrived... I've done nothing to deserve this!"

It is most likely that he abandoned the children at the orphanage, however, there is a slim chance that the Red Crayon Aristocrat Club may have murdered him, as well as Martha. This is due to the both of them depicted being beaten by Imps. Nevertheless, Hoffman was absent when Gregory M. Wilson (Stray Dog) murdered the orphans the following month.

Rule of Rose[]

During the game, when the opportunities to talk to him arrive, he either insults Jennifer or complains about her, constantly telling her she has to stop playing truant when it comes to chores.


Rule of Rose - Walkthrough (PCSX2) - Part 13 (Boss Mr. Hoffman)

Hoffman boss at 6:00.

In the "Sir Peter" chapter, he is seen bound to a chair by Imps and walking in a abnormal way. Later on, he then becomes a boss battle. Once defeated or "killed", the Imps are seen sweeping up his blood. However, Hoffman and Martha are inexplicably seen in later chapters alive and do not mention these previous events.

In the "Mermaid Princess" chapter, Hoffman's koi goes missing. It is implied Eleanor and Meg took Hoffman's koi, sliced it in half, combined it with a doll to make the "Mermaid Doll" as mermaids do not really exist, and donated it as the Monthly Gift. Diana was in charge of caring for Hoffman's koi, so she was blamed by Hoffman. Diana searches for it, but her absence makes him suspect her of taking it. Hoffman is seen in the chapter leading Clara around. After the defeat of the Mermaid Princess, Hoffman interrogated Diana about his koi to no avail.


Hoffman calls Clara.

In "The Funeral" chapter, Hoffman orders Jennifer to clean the orphanage. Clara can be found in the Sick Room, scrubbing one of the cots. When Jennifer turns to leave the room, Hoffman enters the Sick Room and calls to Clara who reluctantly leaves with him into the adjoining room.

In the "Once Upon a Time" chapter, Jennifer comments Hoffman used to be a "kind and admirable teacher," though he made a transition into a cranky and perverted man in the time that Jennifer was at the orphanage. Because of the chapter's reflective atmosphere, it is possible that Jennifer is trying to remember the positive side of him. She also comments that on the day Hoffman disappeared, it seemed like he was running away from something.




Clara stopping Jennifer from opening the drawer.

There is various evidence suggesting that Hoffman has sexually assaulted Clara and Diana. While the specifics aren't stated in-game, both girls are shown to be disgusted and traumatized regarding him. Hoffman is theorized by many players to be a pedophile (specifically ephebophilia). This is most seen during the Mermaid Princess chapter, where the older man escorts a trembling Clara to his bedroom. He also caresses Diana whilst accusing her of killing his koi fish and claiming no one would want to adopt her.

In "The Clover Field" if Jennifer should open the drawers in the Sick Bay of the Airship, Clara will hurriedly stop her, shouting "Don't look in there!" There is also unused audio of Clara saying this with a nervous stutter. This is possibly where some evidence to a sexual relationship between her and Hoffman lies, likely condoms. After Clara does this, Hoffman's voice can be heard saying, "Mmhmm...", as if he is agreeing with Clara.[1]

In the Mermaid Princess chapter, he is seen escorting Clara into a bedroom. When Jennifer looks through a gap in the door, she can see Hoffman suggestively stroking someone. Clara is later revealed to be the person in the bed. In her boss form as a mermaid, Clara has gills on her wrists, stitching on her stomach and gills at the sides of her stomach and rib area. The stitching is indicative of surgery, specifically for a c-section.


Hoffman seemingly stroking Clara in a bed.

In The Funeral chapter, Clara is led from the Sick Room by Hoffman into another room, which he then locks. When Jennifer looks through the keyhole, she can see Clara scrubbing the floor while Hoffman stands near her face, pointing to the ground. He then says to her in a low, menacing and seductive tone, "Look, there's some... dust over here... give it a wipe." There is also an unused audio file in the game's data files that consists of nothing but the sound of Hoffman's voice moaning.

Hoffman calls the children to bed in the order of his favorites: Diana, Eleanor, Xavier, Meg, Susan, Nicholas, Thomas, Clara, Olivia. He does not call Jennifer or Amanda. Clara's name is one of the last. He presumably does this in order to make Clara feel worthless, and make her feel like she's never good enough for him, trying to instill a desire in her to "please" him. By diminishing her self esteem and making her feel useless and worthless, Hoffman is presumably making Clara easier to control and manipulate.


The same bed.

In the Sick Bay, it can be noted that there are raised pads on the cot, suggesting gynecological examination. Clara is also seen scrubbing a spot towards the end of the bed where the pelvis would be. Apart from the implied sexual interaction, it has also been suggested Clara at one point became pregnant and required an abortion which also would account for the raised pads on the cot in the sick bay, and her scrubbing of the mattress. The bed in the Mermaid Princess room is also the same as the one in Hoffman's bedroom in the orphanage. Although one could attribute it to asset re-use, there is also a nightstand with a lamp on the same side of the bed. Thus, it was intentionally meant to be his.



Hoffman caressing a tearful Diana.

Diana is Hoffman's favorite orphan. It is mentioned Diana would spend a long time in the basement thinking about growing up. Jennifer comments, "She wanted so much to be an adult... and yet she was also afraid of growing up too fast." Diana apparently wanted to be beautiful and pure but was self-conscious in believing that every day, she separated from her ideal self. Most likely, her fears about losing her ideal self and not growing up into the adult she wanted to stemmed from Hoffman's possible growing sexual interest in her and her revulsion at this.

Once the mermaid boss has been defeated Jennifer observes a scene where Hoffman is interrogating Diana about making a mess in the room. He appears to be caressing Diana throughout this conversation in a suggestive way, and could be perceived as crossing the line on how much an adult should touch a child. When he leaves the room, Diana is clearly disgusted by his touch, calling it 'disgusting'.


Hoffman Diary April 12th 1930

Hoffman's writings in "Sir Peter."

If the player goes into the Sick Room after defeating Hoffman's boss form, they will be able to read his diary for between April 7th and 12th. Here, he appears to be talking about Jennifer and then likely Amanda. The 12th reveals that after Peter was released by her, he considered beating her with his pointer before deciding against it. Said decision change was due to the child crying in defense, which matches Amanda's behavior. Amanda in her diary mentions she "tattled on Mr. Hoffman as they told me to do." Both seem to have a negative relationship with each other.


If the player goes into the Sick Room after defeating Hoffman's boss form, they will be able to read his book for between April 7th and 12th. Here, he appears to be talking about Jennifer on the 7th. He comments that she avoids her chore duties and doodles on the walls. Furthermore, Hoffman comments on being annoyed by her causing Olivia to cry, which goes along with the girl hating Jennifer. He finds her to be lazy and a 'dirty wretch.' He also thinks poorly of her because she was often late and didn't care about being scolded for not doing her assigned chores. Jennifer admits this is true, as she just didn't care and see the value in trying to make the orphanage as clean as possible - the exception being laundry as she likes clean clothes. Jennifer appears to feel similar negative feelings. In "Once Upon a Time," she comments on how she used to think of him as admirable. However, she soon changed her mind likely due to his hatred of her or mistreatment of the other orphans.


Hoffman is shown to struggle with tutoring Olivia as she is shown crying after in "Sir Peter." This is because she struggled to follow along with his math teachings. Olivia in general tends to cry to get the adults' attention. However, Hoffman sees her moreso as an annoyance. In his list during the "Funeral" chapter, Olivia's name is read out last. This could imply her as his least favorite—or that he simply doesn't think she wouldn't mind.


The surname "Hoffman" refers to the word, "steward" of which there are many meanings to. However, Hoffman seems to fit nearly every meaning in one way or another. A steward (from Old English stíweard, stiȝweard, from stiȝ "hall, household" + weard ", keeper") is someone who manages property or other affairs for someone else. This could refer to how he managed the children at the orphanage.

Another meaning of the word "steward" refers to a farmer who owns land rather than rents it. This could refer to how he thought he "owned" the children at the orphanage (Clara, for example), rather than that he was merely the one in charge of caring for them. Similarly, it also means "custodian": one in charge or buildings, grounds, or animals, of which all were Hoffman's duty. Steward also means "an attendant on an airplane," which fits with the usage of the airship imagery in the game.


  • "I'm such a clever teacher." (in his diary)
  • "What in blazes! Just who did this?! Who made this mess?! Was it you? Go on, tell me. Answer me, Diana... No new mommy or daddy will ever want you if you look like that. Now, now, I won't be angry. Just answer me... It was you, wasn't it? You were in charge, after all." (while caressing a tearful Diana)
  • "So, young lady... You decided to play hooky again? Come to my office later. Don't you forget." (to Jennifer)
  • "Boys and girls, cleaning time is over. Wastepaper should go into the rubbish bin and washing should go into the filth room. Are the rooms all spick and span? Are the halls all sparking clean? It's almost time for bed, Diana, Eleanor, Xavier, Meg, Susan, Nicholas, Thomas, Clara, Olivia. Be thankful for this wonderful day, and let us pray for an even better day tomorrow! Get ready for bed and may you have a good night's rest."



Hoffman with Imps.

  • In "The Unlucky Clover Field" chapter, if Jennifer peeks through one of the keyholes, she can see Hoffman surrounded by Imps. He seems to have the ability to communicate with them.[2]
  • During cleaning, he likes to play a certain song on the intercom. There is a theory that Hoffman may have deliberately done this to cover up any troubling noise (i.e. sounds of him and Clara possibly engaged in sexual acts).
  • He has a pet koi fish in his office. In the fish tank is a model of the orphanage. Extracting the model reveals the bottom doors are modeled on both sides and contains the mechanisms required for the tank, as if meant to be opened. There is also an unused animation of him leaning against the tank watching Diana clean. [3]
  • In deleted audio, Diana claims Hoffman said that she would become a beautiful mermaid. [4]

See Also[]

  • Hoffman's Diary - Diary written by Hoffman himself regarding the game's events.


Enemies Hoffman HoffmanBoss
to see the gallery of Hoffman click on Hoffman/Gallery.



Social Rank
Red Crayon Aristocrat Club "Sovereign" Princess of the Red Rose (Wendy/Jennifer) • Bear Prince of the Red Rose (Joshua Wilson/Wendy)
"State" Duchess (Diana) • Countess (Eleanor) • Baroness (Meg)
"Bourgeoisie" Poor/Miserable (Amanda) • Beggar/Irritable (Jennifer) • SusanOlivia
Non-Members "Proletariat" ClaraMartha Carol Headmaster HoffmanNicholasThomasXaviar
"Stray Dog" Gregory M. WilsonBrown