- "Moral Panics as Double Jeopardy"
- 1st Class Guest Sector
- 1st Passenger Corridor
- 2nd Passenger Corridor
- A Love Suicide
- Airship
- Airship/Gallery
- Airship Map
- Amanda
- Amanda's Diary
- Amanda/Gallery
- Ambient Music for Strings: "Fear" Part II
- Animal Bone
- Anthony Dolittle
- Aquarius
- Aries
- Aristocrat Page
- Atlus Booth at E3 2006
- Backbiting
- Bacon
- Balcony
- Barbara Barnes
- Basement (Gingerbread House)
- Basement Hallway
- Bear's Tail
- Beef Jerky
- Bird Imp
- Biscuit
- Biscuit Tin
- Blue Butterfly
- Boarding Gate
- Boarding Pass
- Brendan Donnison
- Broken Robots
- Brown
- Brown/Gallery
- Bucket Knight
- Bullying
- Butterflies
- Butterfly Case
- Cafeteria (Airship)
- Cafeteria (Orphanage)
- Cancer
- Candy
- Capricorn
- Cell of Pleasure
- Cell of Remorse
- Central Stairway A
- Central Stairway B
- Central Stairway C
- Central Stairway D
- Chocolate
- Choice System
- Christopher Fairbank
- Clara
- Clara/Gallery
- Clare Corbett
- Closet Room
- Clothespin
- Club Room
- Coins
- Combat System
- Copper Leaf
- Costumes
- Daily Flamingo Newspaper
- Damage Mechanic
- Dessert Fork
- Diana
- Diana/Gallery
- Diet Chart
- Dirty Rag
- Dog Collar
- Dogfood
- Doll Legs
- Drumstick
- Eleanor
- Eleanor's Bird
- Eleanor/Gallery
- Emma Tate
- Family Sketch
- Fan Media on Rule of Rose
- Film 1/14
- Film 10/14
- Film 11/14
- Film 12/14
- Film 13/14
- Film 14/14
- Film 2/14
- Film 3/14
- Film 4/14
- Film 5/14
- Film 6/14
- Film 7/14
- Film 8/14
- Film 9/14
- Films
- Fish Head
- Fish Imp
- Fish Scale
- Floral Letter
- Four-Leaf Key
- Friday
- Front Gate
- Future of Rule of Rose
- Gemini
- Generator Lever
- Gift Box
- Glass Case Key
- Goat Imp
- Green Butterfly
- Greg's Diary
- Gregory's Gun
- Gregory's House
- Gregory's House/Gallery
- Gregory M. Wilson
- Gregory M. Wilson/Gallery
- Ground Floor Hallways
- Guest Room Hall
- Half Biscuit
- Hoffman
- Hoffman's Diary
- Hoffman/Gallery
- Hoffman (Boss)
- Horrible Imp
- Horrible Imp/Gallery
- House Map
- Ian Thompson
- Ice Pick
- Imp
- Imp/Gallery
- J's Diary
- James Daniel Wilson
- Jennifer
- Jennifer/Gallery
- Jo Wyatt
- Joanna Hall
- Joshua Wilson
- Joshua the Bear
- Kitchen Knife
- Knight Rapier
- Knives
- Land Sketch
- Lavatories (Orphanage)
- Legend of Stray Dog
- Leo
- Libra
- List of Health Items
- Lollipop
- Lost PAL Version Copies
- Love Letter
- Lumberjack Axe
- Main Hall
- Marble
- Martha's Hat
- Martha's Letter
- Martha Carol
- Mary and Sally
- Master Racket
- Master Sword
- Master Syringe
- Master Tuna
- Master Umbrella
- Master Wrench
- Meat Cleaver
- Meg
- Meg's Notebook
- Meg's Pencil
- Meg/Gallery
- Mermaid Doll
- Mermaid Princess
- Mermaid Princess/Gallery
- Minced Pie
- Monday
- News Article
- Nicholas
- Nicholas/Gallery
- October Ticket
- Old Photo
- Olivia
- Olivia/Gallery
- Once Upon a Time
- One-Leaf Key
- Onion Bag
- Orphanage Map
- Panorama Magazine Article
- Paring Knife
- Perfumes
- Peter
- Peter's Droppings
- Piano Etude I
- Pig Imp
- Pisces
- Playboy Magazine Review
- Pledge
- Prince and Princess Quarters
- Quest Items
- Rabbit Imp
- Rag Princess
- Rat
- Rat Imp
- Rear Gate
- Records
- Red Crayon
- Red Crayon Aristocrat Club
- Red Feather
- Revolver
- Ribbon
- Rose Garden Orphanage
- Rose Garden Orphanage/Gallery
- Rubbish Bin
- Rule of Rose
- Rule of Rose (Concept)
- Rule of Rose (plot)
- Rule of Rose English Manual
- Rule of Rose Official Website
- Rule of Rose Original Soundtrack
- Rule of Rose Trade Demo
- Rule of Rose Wiki
- Rusty Scissors
- Rusty Sword
- Sagittarius
- Saturday
- Save and Storage Systems
- Scone
- Scorpio
- Search Quest
- Search System
- Secret Room Key
- Sector 10 Crew Cabin
- Sector 11 Maintenance Passage
- Sector 12 Maintenance Passage
- Sector 13 Lift
- Sector 14 Storage
- Sector 15 Storage
- Sector 1 Wire Controller
- Sector 2 Maintenance Passageway
- Sector 6 Maintenance Passageway
- Sector 7 Cargo Bay
- Sector 8 Cargo Bay
- Sector 9 Turbine Area
- Shortbread
- Shovel
- Sir Peter
- Sketch Piece
- Sledgehammer
- Small Bone
- Sock
- Steel Pipe
- Stern Observation Room
- Stick of Justice
- Strange Hill
- Strange Hill - East
- Stray Dog
- Stray Dog List
- Stray Dog and the Lying Princess
- Study Room
- Sunday
- Susan
- Susan/Gallery
- Susan Sheridan
- TG5 2006 News Report
- Taurus
- Teresa Gallagher
- The Attic
- The Bird of Happiness
- The Clover Field
- The Funeral
- The Goat Sisters
- The Little Princess
- The Mermaid Princess
- Thomas
- Thomas/Gallery
- Three-Leaf Key
- Thursday
- Timeline
- Torn Diet Chart
- Torn Letter
- Torn Sketch
- Torture Stick
- Toy Cart
- Tuesday
- Two-Leaf Key
- Unused Secret Ladder
- Virgo
- W & J Letters
- Warm Bag
- Wednesday
- Wendy
- Wendy/Gallery
- White Chocolate
- Xavier
- Xavier/Gallery