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Rule of Rose Wiki
Mermaid Princess
Mermaid Princess
Aliases Clara
The Frightened Princess
Social Rank N/A
Gender Female
Age 16[1]
Status Unknown
Hair color Light brown
Eye color Blue
Occupation Student/resident/caretaker at Rose Garden Orphanage
Voice actor Teresa Gallagher
This article is for the boss form of Clara. For the storybook, see The Mermaid Princess.

Mermaid Princess is a boss encountered in the airship during the "Mermaid Princess" chapter. She is the monster form of Clara.


The boss appears to very much resemble Clara in a horrific mermaid form. However, she now has darkened eyes and sickly skin. Her mermaid-like appearance is possibly the sexual abuse as perceived by Jennifer, who, at the time of her experiencing the traumatic event, could not understand what was going on. The boss is topless without any form of coverup.

She has very long nails that are nearly claw-like. Furthermore, the princess also has slits and stitches all over her body, which represent self-mutilation or suicidal ideation. She has red gills on the sides of her torso. On her abdomen area, there is one long vertical slit which seems to be stitched or stabled shut, possibly hinting at a c-section.

She is bound by a rope, which could symbolize Clara's inability to be free and escape the orphanage. Said rope bears a resemblance to a mermaid's tail. However, the 'fins' at the end are instead her feet.

Rule of Rose[]

Before the boss battle, Clara is seen being led miserably into a bedroom by Hoffman. The battle occurs in a room with a bed looking very similar, if not, the same as the one on Hoffman's study, where the scene after the battle takes place. This may be another hint at Clara's backstory. Spair of feet attached to a long rope are viewed at the head of the bed. The rope is attached to a strange, pulley-like mechanism which starts to spin, and the Mermaid Princess is then lifted up from the bed via the rope. With the door locked behind her, Jennifer is forced to defend herself.


The Mermaid Princess screaming in pain.

Her attacks consist of swinging her arms in order to hit anyone in the way, and vomiting a toxic, green substance on the floor. The amount of health she has left sometimes determines the spill of the vomit. The vomiting could be interpreted as a case of morning sickness, a result of pregnancy, from the possible sexual abuse she suffered from Hoffman. During the battle, Clara's laughter can be heard, which morphs into screaming and crying, resembling mood swings. Once the battle is over with, the rope tears as the princess falls to the bed below.


Some useful preparations before fighting her:

  • The player should stock up on as much health items as possible before entering the room - if needed, have Brown search for them since there are some in the chapter.
  • If you're playing on an emulator, consider using a widescreen hack. The extra field-of-view on the left and right side of the screen can help immensely when figuring out where Clara drop next. Also, consider using save states.
  • It is recommended to use the Meat Cleaver, a weapon found just before the boss battle. It takes about 30 slices with the Meat Cleaver to defeat Clara. Only successful hits are indicated by blood splatters. If playing on an extra new game, then use one of the Master weapons.

Clara is somewhat infamous to players of the game as being one of the harder bosses. As there is no difficulty level in the game, the requirements to defeat her are the same for every player. A successful match should not take more than 10 minutes.

  • At the very beginning, it is recommended to place Brown in a corner and tell him to stay so that he won't become a distraction during the fight.
  • Jennifer should always be moving around in the center of the room in a somewhat small circle (this ensures Clara will always appear on-screen), watching for Clara to drop down, or else Clara may drop down on Jennifer and injure her if Jennifer stands still.
  • Try to not aim for the face. This is because she may either swing her arms to attack or vomit which will poison. Instead, aim for the stomach as much as possible.
  • Listen to Clara's scream to know when she is about to drop down. As soon as Clara comes down, rush to her and hit her as many times as possible with the cleaver as quickly as possible (max is 4), then immediately rush away to avoid an attack. It does not really matter if Jennifer attacks from the side, front or back.
    • If Clara drops down near the bed, do not attack her as she will be out of range.
    • Don't rush to her if she drops down too far away, as Jennifer will most likely be vomited on or hit. Thus, avoid her when she lands in one of the room corners.
  • If Jennifer is in Clara's vomit, she should wait until it disappears or else she may be damaged trying to escape.
  • If Jennifer is knocked down, immediately get back up by wiggling the analog stick.
  • Video strategies are here and here.


  • Clara's boss form is heavily inspired by the Hans Christian Andersen tale "The Little Mermaid." The story follows a mermaid who falls in love with a prince. In order to be with him, she trades her tongue for legs. However, the prince doesn't share her feelings and eventually marries a different woman. The mermaids' sisters attempt to bring her back by having her kill the prince. However, she can not bring herself to do so, resorting to committing suicide via drowning instead. The tale could be seen as a warning of accepting mistreatment or self-sacrificing in the name of love.


to see the gallery of Mermaid Princess click on Mermaid Princess/Gallery.


  1. Hoffman wrote in his diary, "I can hardly believe it. My little Clara, bless her heart, is already 16 years old."

