Rule of Rose Wiki
Rule of Rose Wiki
The Mischievous Prince
Aliases Prince Thomas
Social Rank Bourgeoisie
Gender Male
Age Child
Status Deceased
Hair color Brown
Eye color Blue
Occupation Student/resident at Rose Garden Orphanage
Voice actor James Daniel Wilson
A new girl, a new girl!
—Thomas to Jennifer

Thomas is a minor character in Rule of Rose. He is a member of the Red Crayon Aristocrat Club.


Thomas is a fairly pale boy with brown short hair and blue eyes. His arms are notably thin compared to the other children, implying him to be malnourished. He wears a white no-sleeve with dirt atop it and brown shorts. He also lacks any shoes.


Thomas is a mischievous and curious boy. Jennifer claims that he was the one to vandalize Hoffman’s painting and had a tendency to get himself into trouble. Thomas is also the one to primarily slam doors on Jennifer to prevent her getting inside. Unlike the other orphans, he tends to stay by himself usually.

He is very interested with toys and trains, often seen playing with them. Many of Thomas's behaviors, such as his fascination with toys along with his lack of social skills and hyper-fixations, seem to suggest he's autistic or at least neurodivergent. This is further evidenced by Jennifer claiming his attatchment to trains is due to his birth.

Rule of Rose[]

Thomas mainly appears when Jennifer attempts to enter a room. With a paper bag over his head, he will slam the door on her. This prevents further access to the room or to force Jennifer to fight. This is possibly another one of Thomas' mischievous traits.

Thomas is often seen in the Smoking Room of the airship, or the Playroom of Rose Garden Orphanage, playing with his trains. In the orphanage, drawings can be seen in the hallways that resemble train tracks. Jennifer later reveals that Thomas drew these.

In the “Unlucky Clover Field” chapter, Thomas is properly introduced. He is playing with toy trains. Talking to him will have Thomas excitedly saying “A new girl!” Continuing to listen will have him wonder what Jennifer is like and comment on her having a “scrawny” appearance.

For the "Goat Sisters" chapter, if Jennifer goes up to the first class area, Thomas is in the hallway. Talking to him has the boy wonder where Meg is. He also participates in the Onion Bag torture, although what bug he drops inside is unknown.

He is briefly seen in “Rag Princess.” He watches Jennifer be thanked for finding Joshua the bear and crawls away when everyone leaves. In “The Funeral,” rather than doing any chores, he instead plays in the Playroom. He also ignores Jennifer when interacted with.

In the "Once Upon a Time" chapter, Jennifer states that the reason Thomas was so often absorbed in playing with his trains was because they were his only friends. She also states that his interest was rumored to have something to do with his birth, though he never spoke about it to anyone. If she examines the vandalized portrait, Jennifer will claim that Thomas vandalized it whilst using the ladder. Hoffman also had to help get Thomas out of a tree beforehand.



According to Jennifer in “Once Upon a Time,” Hoffman was forced to help Thomas from being stuck in a tree. Both Jennifer and Thomas appeared to look highly of him at that point. However, when examining the vandalized portrait, Jennifer reveals it was Thomas who did it. This is because she saw him use the ladder that day. At some point between these events, he began to dislike Hoffman. What caused this is unknown.


The name Thomas derives from the Hebrew term ‘ta'om’ which means twin. It soon led to the Aramaic name ‘Taom’ and then the Greek name ‘Thomas.’ Thomas' name seems to have been derived from the British children's television show Thomas & Friends, in which the main characters primarily consist of talking trains.


ThomasShut 755244-930042 20060919 026 OldPhoto
to see the gallery of Thomas click on Thomas/Gallery.


  • Thomas has an interest in trains which counteracts the other childrens' interest in airships.
    • In the orphanage, a variety of scribbled train tracks can be seen throughout. Alongside this lining up with his special interest, Jennifer claims he was the one to vandalize Hoffman's portrait. It seems he also enjoys drawing and was likely one of the children to have made drawings for the club.
  • Thomas is associated with rats as evidenced by his paper bag.


Social Rank
Red Crayon Aristocrat Club "Sovereign" Princess of the Red Rose (Wendy/Jennifer) • Bear Prince of the Red Rose (Joshua Wilson/Wendy)
"State" Duchess (Diana) • Countess (Eleanor) • Baroness (Meg)
"Bourgeoisie" Poor/Miserable (Amanda) • Beggar/Irritable (Jennifer) • SusanOlivia
Non-Members "Proletariat" ClaraMartha Carol Headmaster HoffmanNicholasThomasXaviar
"Stray Dog" Gregory M. WilsonBrown