Rule of Rose Wiki
The Gluttonous Prince
Aliases Prince Xavier
Social Rank Bourgeoisie
Gender Male
Age Child
Status Deceased
Hair color Red
Eye color Grey
Occupation Student/resident at Rose Garden Orphanage
Voice actor James Daniel Wilson
Does paper taste good? They say goats love to eat it. All right, I'll give it a try later.
—Xavier to Jennifer while eating with a pig.

Xavier is a minor character of Rule of Rose. He is one of the three boys at the Rose Garden Orphanage.

He is a member of the of the Red Crayon Aristocrat Club.


Xavier is a pale boy with a fat physique. His hair is a short, brown cut while his eyes are grey. He typically wears a striped gray shirt with dirt and food stains atop it. Alongside this, Xavier also wears dark brown shorts, tan socks, and brown formal shoes.


Xavier is known for being quite clumsy, as in the "Once Upon a Time" chapter, Jennifer states that he would often slip while the orphans were playing in the mud puddles outside. He also once stated that he wants to outright eat a pig, as he apparently considers the pig his arch rival. This is due to him being gluttonous.

Xavier is also irresponsible and impulsive. He accidentally shut the airship's power down during 'Rag Princess Sews' chapter. This is because he tried to take the power lever and use it as a sword. He is best friends with Nicholas, the only one of two other boys at the orphanage. He enjoys sword fighting with him. Xavier is known for being somewhat mischievous, as he and Nicholas were known for pulling pranks.

Rule of Rose[]

Xavier is first briefly shown watching Jennifer as she heads inside the orphanage during "The Little Princess" chapter. He watches from the brick walls alongside Susan and Meg. Once she opens the door, he is shown running away whilst giggling. He is properly introduced in the boys bathroom in the “Unlucky Clover Field” chapter. Xavier will spread various rumors when talked to such as Martha being a witch. The narration mentions he’s speaking with his mouth full of food.

In “Sir Peter,” him and Nicholas are sword fighting. If Jennifer attempts talk to either of them, they will promptly stop and give the silent treatment. Once she leaves, they will continue playing together.

In "Goat Sisters," Xavier is showing standing next to the pig. He appears to not mind the two goats being missing. When talked to, he will mention the pig being his rival. Alongside the other children, Xavier also assists in punishing Jennifer via the Onion Bag. His item of choice is a cookie littered in ants.

In the "Rag Princess Sews" chapter, he causes a power outage by shutting off one of the generators and breaking off the lever, leaving Jennifer in the dark. He is later seen with the other boys when Joshua the bear is returned. He claps alongside the other children and leaves.

Unlike the other children in the "Funeral" chapter, he and Nicholas are shown sword fighting once more. Attempting to interact with them will have the boys stop and give the silent treatment. According to "Stray Dog and the Lying Princess," he was murdered by Gregory M. Wilson during the orphanage massacre.



Nicholas is Xavier’s best friend. The duo are constantly shown together sword-fighting both on the airship and in the orphanage. The two boys are also shown together during aristocrat meetings and during the Onion Bag punishment. Because of his enthusiasm towards their fights, Xavier at one point accidentally causes a power outage from mistaking a lever for a sword to use. This briefly annoys Nicholas.


The meaning of the name Xavier is "bright; splendid." This could be ironic, as it clashes with his tendency to be clueless or not thinking ahead.


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to see the gallery of Xavier click on Xavier/Gallery.


Social Rank
Red Crayon Aristocrat Club "Sovereign" Princess of the Red Rose (Wendy/Jennifer) • Bear Prince of the Red Rose (Joshua Wilson/Wendy)
"State" Duchess (Diana) • Countess (Eleanor) • Baroness (Meg)
"Bourgeoisie" Poor/Miserable (Amanda) • Beggar/Irritable (Jennifer) • SusanOlivia
Non-Members "Proletariat" ClaraMartha Carol Headmaster HoffmanNicholasThomasXaviar
"Stray Dog" Gregory M. WilsonBrown